Friday, April 27, 2012

a little less often

I'll admit, I really thought I'd have time each day or so to post, but sometimes life just gets in the way. Some of you that know me (really know me) know how I really try to keep my life somewhat uncomplicated (in theory anyway) which rarely works. Just when I think things are 'fine', there's just always something, and most of the time, even if it looks like it's not much, it ALWAYS ends up being more. Like a simple, $5 home repair that turns into ripping a wall down and $1000 (yes that always happens to me!!!)..... When I do get a good chunk of time, I really want to write the story of a young lady that is my child's (well she's 18 now, so not really a child!) friend, who is now living with us. It's a long story, it's over the course of almost 5 years now since she became involved with us, though she's never officially lived here before (she's stayed many a night/week, but this time is long term). It's really a story that had good intentions as she's from another country and came here for a better life and so far that has not materialized, but I need a couple of hours to really write it (or at least a good hour to write each part of it) so not for today. Today my 13 year old woofie (Shelby) gets groomed, she's old, she's not been feeling well, but she has perked up the past week, so I'm glad for that. My youngest new Ozzy the Border Collie with ADHD who always needs a job/something to do had gotten her more active, but though she wishes she was as active as he is (and she still can beat him out to a tossed frisbee), she's usually limping and tireder after it's all over with. To not include her in such 'fun' doggie activities, even walks, hurts her little doggie feelings, but I don't want to push her into permanent disability. She's been to the vet in the last month for her annual check up and all was well. The egg size lump on her side is not anything other than fatty tissue (he did a quickie needle biopsy when he felt it, I love my vet, over 30 years with him) and her 'old doggie' bloodwork was also fine. I did have a script for doggie arthritis meds, but it's harsh on her stomach, which is iffy on a good day (and always has been, that's nothing new, I've never seen a dog heave so much in my life!) so I know it works day to day and not a build up kinda thing and only give it (with 1/2 a pepcid AC as directed! and food) when I see her dragging around the house. So that's all for today, when I get a good chunk of time, I'll start on my 4th 'child's' story.