Thursday, March 08, 2012

so I got thinking about this whole blogging thing..

You know my becca (aka cutest baby in cyberspace ©1994 Zan) is turning 18 at the end of the month, and she has the most incredible life. Never treated her any differently than the other 2 kids (except don't tend to leave her alone for more than a few minutes, not because I don't trust her but because I don't trust the world). So I'll be writing about her as well....

and the pets, my bella luna (3), the most evil cat I've ever owned (though she does love me and is currently asleep on my lap looking very un-evil), mugsy (4) who came to us after the most wonderful cat ever on the planet, Rex, died suddenly (2 years ago this Saturday in fact) from feline leukemia (no symptoms, sick for one day) and the week before the big flood hit here (and he was prolly wishing he still was at the pound!), pharoah (9) a stray the kids found when they were teenagers (and now have moved out) was mainly my son's cat, he did hate everyone except him, and now he tolerates us, though when he's outside (and he's the only outdoor animal now, after finding my beloved cat moe's parts all over the yard one day) he acts like he's my best friend....then there's shelby (woof) the shepherd/terrier/schnauzer mix who is turning 12 at the end of the month, and the new border collie rescue, ozzy (who has his own story to tell).

and I should write about musicians, I've been into music all my life, Stones, not Beatles, the Monkees, and many other bands....of late, I've been hanging out with the most wonderful local musicians but very famous (nationally as well) and doing video for a local club, nicest people you'd ever want to meet, and then there's (I actually get to call him my friend!) Ted Leo, who I met 5 years ago via my son's interest in him (and he being under aged at the time and wanting to go to a show, I went with him) won a contest to get the tickets and ended up in the VIP area (upstairs of a smallish club) and Ted and his band sat with us and talked and impressed the heck outta my son and his 2 accompanying friends (I won 4 passes). I started shooting video for him later that year, and he played around here a lot for awhile as he'd married a girl from here, last year he packed up (he still has his home and comes up a lot) for NYC as his wife who carries the benefits had a new job there, so I don't see him as much, just twitter and email. But I will write about the wonderful and talented people that I've gotten meet over the years.

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