Thursday, March 08, 2012

The whole gluten free nonsense

Well I guess if I'm going to take this seriously, I should find a subject to blog about because with the whole nature of the internet and the fact I've had some wacko stalking me online (who lives in this state and travels in the 'same circles' as I do, though he seems to have finally knocked it off of late), I'm not one to publicly talk about my life.....So I'm going to (until my attention span runs out) talk about Gluten free. I've been GF going on 4 years now, and though I do feel a lot better (and I've NEVER cheated!!) it hasn't been the easiest or cheapest thing to do. At first I went out and bought 'all' the books, and read certain blogs online for recipes. It's difficult for someone as old as I am to suddenly take things like Italian bread and cinnamon rolls away. In fact, it sucks.

I've gotten to the point where I can make a pretty good muffin/bread kinda thing, regular breads alludes me.

Most of the products sucks. Case and point, I heard there was this new lower carb/good for you bread (and I will NOT name names over here unless it's something positive as I don't want to get into a slander situation (the blog person I speak about is a snot btw!)) The bread was $7.99 online and I had a $5.00 coupon...they said you had to do express shipping because they make it fresh (and of course they are across the country!). That was $5.95, but wait, it wasn't because I-LIVE-ACROSS-THE-COUNTRY...turns out shipping was $12 or so, all I know the bread cost me $17+

and no, it wasn't THAT good.
I also recently spent $20 on 3# of flour at Williams-Sonoma that was developed by a fancy chef guy and is supposed to work cup for cup, no recipes on the bag, but it states it's for 'baked goods' which leads me to believe that doesn't include REAL bread......and like an idiot, I also spent $20 at WS on a brownie mix (and I actually could prolly make decent brownies at this point in time).

Given I'm on Weight Watchers and I'm the ONLY one here who will eat this stuff, it's not good for me to make a whole plate of brownies (I'm really not a 'sweets' person, so I'd have to freeze them anyway, and at $20 per box, I'm really not willing to share!).

Speaking of WW, all the GF stuff is so high in points that it's not worth it (I'd rather have a Mudslide if I'm going to go points crazy). Those WW breads and things that you see that are 1-2 points? Yeah the thinnest GF bread is still 5, and given I only (now, on the power foods thing I'm on) have 49 for the whole week, I'm not about to blow 5 on a piece of bread.

There is one thing I've found that's decent, it's Heavens' Mills pita bread. I don't have a 'funny' taste in my mouth afterwards, I'm not overly thirsty afterwards (usually due to a higher tapioca or other starch content) and they 'act' like pita breads. Link is here: .

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